Getting Ready – Final Preparation

By | 09/16/2024

Here are some important tips to keep in mind to ensure that you are ready for this rewarding exam:

  • Build and use a study tracker: Consider using the exam objectives shown in this chapter to build a study tracker for yourself. Such a tracker can help ensure that you have not missed anything and that you are confident for your exam. As a matter of fact, this book offers a sample study planner as a website supplement.
  • Think about your time budget for questions on the exam: When you do the math, you will see that, on average, you have one minute per question. While this does not sound like a lot of time, keep in mind that many of the questions will be very straightforward, and you will take 15 to 30 seconds on those. This leaves you extra time for other questions on the exam.
  • Watch the clock: Check the time remaining periodically as you are taking the exam. You might even find that you can slow down pretty dramatically if you have built up a nice block of extra time.
  • Get some earplugs: The testing center might provide earplugs, but get some just in case and bring them along. There might be other test takers in the center with you, and you do not want to be distracted by their screams. I personally have no issue blocking out the sounds around me, so I never worry about this, but I know it is an issue for some.
  • Plan your travel time: Give yourself extra time to find the center and get checked in. Be sure to arrive early. As you test more at a particular center, you can certainly start cutting it closer time-wise.
  • Online testing: If participating in online testing, ensure that you have performed and passed the online system check. For more information, check here:
  • Get rest: Most students report that getting plenty of rest the night before the exam boosts their success. All-night cram sessions are not typically successful.
  • Bring in valuables, but get ready to lock them up: The testing center will take your phone, your smartwatch, your wallet, and other such items and will provide a secure place for them.
  • Take notes: You will be given note-taking implements and should not be afraid to use them. I always jot down any questions I struggle with on the exam. I then memorize them at the end of the test by reading my notes over and over again. I always make sure I have a pen and paper in the car, and I write down the issues in my car just after the exam. When I get home—with a pass or fail—I research those items!

Tools for Final Preparation

This section lists some information about the available tools and how to access them.

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